Those wishing to address the Board or Committee need not request permission in advance; however, the Board or Committee may limit those persons speaking during the “Call to the Public” to three (3) per side on any one issue. The Board or Committee can only take action on matters listed on the agenda.
A.R.S. § 38-431.02(H).
If appropriate, actions on public comment matters that are not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or schedule the matter for further discussion at a later date.
A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H)
Review the agenda for the meeting that you wish to attend and make a public statement. The agenda will give you the date, time, location and/or the appropriate phone number or hyperlink to use to join the meeting.
Call in to the meeting using the information from the agenda (from #1) and tell the operator that you wish to make a public statement for a matter listed on the agenda (knowing the case number or physician’s name is helpful to staff). Only provide your initials if you are the patient and/or complainant, or when referring to the patient only use their initials to preserve their privacy.
Wait until your case number, physician name or initials are called out by the meeting moderator to speak during the Call to Public.
At all times not speaking (telephonic and virtual) please mute your telephone or computer microphone to reduce feedback and be respectful of all meeting attendees.
Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Board Coordinator’s Office at 480.551.2734 or by email
Website Alert: The Arizona Medical Board is no longer affiliated with the domain name. The website currently hosted on that domain is NOT AUTHORIZED by The Arizona Medical Board and may pose a security threat to visitors. Please be sure to use only The Arizona Medical Board's official website at
image courtesy of Patrick B. Sigl
Mission: To protect public safety through the judicious licensing,
regulation and education of all allopathic physicians.
The next ED Selection and Retention Committee Meeting of the Arizona Medical Board will be
February 18, 2025 at 1740 W Adams St, Phoenix, AZ 85007 in Suite A
The board convenes at 4:00 p.m.
Remember to keep your contact information updated with the Board.
Failure to keep your address current may incur fines.
It’s the Law! (A.R.S. § 32-1435)
The ED Selection and Retention Committee Meetings of the Arizona Medical Board
are streamed online live.are streamed online live.
Previous Board meetings are recorded and available to be viewed on demand.
The public notice and agenda for each meeting is posted on the Board Meetings page. Agendas, previous meeting minutes and draft minutes are posted to the same location.
Review the agenda for the meeting that you wish to attend and make a public statement. The agenda will give you the date, time, location and/or the appropriate phone number or hyperlink to use to join the meeting.
Call in to the meeting using the information from the agenda (from #1) and tell the operator that you wish to make a public statement for a matter listed on the agenda (knowing the case number or physician’s name is helpful to staff). Only provide your initials if you are the patient and/or complainant, or when referring to the patient only use their initials to preserve their privacy.
Wait until your case number, physician name or initials are called out by the meeting moderator to speak during the Call to Public.
At all times not speaking (telephonic and virtual) please mute your telephone or computer microphone to reduce feedback and be respectful of all meeting attendees.
Should you have any questions about this process, please contact the Board Coordinator’s Office at 480.551.2734 or by email
Those wishing to address the Board or Committee need not request permission in advance; however, the Board or Committee may limit those persons speaking during the “Call to the Public” to three (3) per side on any one issue. The Board or Committee can only take action on matters listed on the agenda.
A.R.S. § 38-431.02(H).
If appropriate, actions on public comment matters that are not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or schedule the matter for further discussion at a later date.
A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H)